Tuesday, September 30, 2008

CPR Overview

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is performed when a person is not breathing, has no pulse, or both.
Rescue Breathing and Chest Compressions

Rescuers are strongly advised to complete a first aid/CPR course before attempting this procedure.
• Ask the person needing help if he or she is OK. If there is no response, seek
medical care.
• Then, open the airway by moving the chin; avoid neck movement.
• Once the airway is open, look, listen, and feel for breathing.
• If breathing is absent, give 2 slow breaths. If breath does not go in, see
o For adults, give 1 breath every 5 seconds.
o For children, give 1 breath every 3 seconds.

• Check for pulse. If pulse is present, continue rescue breathing. If there is
no pulse, begin chest compressions.
o For adults, give 1.5-2 inch compressions of the sternum at a rate of 80-100
per minute using 2 hands, then give 2 breaths.
o For children, give 0.5-1 inch compressions of the sternum at a rate of 80-100
per minute using 1 hand, then give 1 breath.
o For infants, give 0.5-1 inch compressions of the sternum at a rate of 100 per
minute using 3 fingers, then give 1 breath.

1 comment:

Helga said...

This ones very useful and informative,,.
Sure to apply this on emergencies!!!

Best regards,
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